Johan Abildskov, Uber
The way we think is wrong. That is obvious. Should DevOps be OpsDev? Why do people keep declaring agile dead. Why am I offended when yet another company announces they are lifting and shifting to or from the cloud.
Likely, you are reading this description because the title provoked you. Annoyed you. My guess is that you trying to figure out where I am bullshitting, where I am wrong. Or simply want to be entertained. But the statement is a gift, if we look for the hidden truths, and untested assumptions. It will help you understand, and change your mental models. Code is worthless. Let’s turn this conversation stopper into a conversation starter.
Om sporet
Tools/CoolSporet hvor vi kigger på de nye metoder, nye opdagelser og værktøjer der kommer frem. Det er her du får alt det nye og cool.
Optagelsen stammer fra dette års Driving IT afholdt i København den 1.11.2024, hvor 345 IT-professionelle mødtes for at høre om nye tendenser og teknologier inden for IT.