More extremes in UX research, please!
Fra Annette Poulsen
Fra Annette Poulsen
With Thomas Visby Snitker, LEGO System A/S
If you develop and design products or services for a global market, the better you understand this market the better you fare.
For instance, a global market will have a broader distribution or diversity in user or audience skill levels.
To reach a global market across cultural divides, you need a UX research setup to bridge this divide.
Join this session to remind yourself of all the relevant portions of your audience or users, regardless of their skill levels.
And get tips on how - through conscious and strategic UX research - to include them and manage cross-cultural factors in R&D and UX design.
Bio: I express my passion for user centricity, research, user experience (UX) and usability as a Head of research at LEGO (Our LEGO Agency), and formerly as a CEO, owner and founder of SnitkerGroup (2005) and other companies.
I enjoy writing! "User experience research with children" (Apress 2021) is the sum total of my 7 years with Lego and is available on Amazon here