New energy sources – nuclear insights and debate (Part 1)
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In the latest years many countries and especially Europe, has taken a focus on green transitions. The green transition refers to the social change strategy, which will allow the countries to turn the current environmentally unsustainable situation into a new and more sustainable state. The cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions are still far away from an optimal state and where they need to be in order to preserve a livable climate. To cloze the gap between climate ambitions and political action, as outlined in the Paris agreement and COP26 in Glasgow a focus on green transitions from oil, gas and coal was decided. However, the countries are facing a lot of barriers such as the war in Ukraine, the increase in price of oil, gas and electricity.
As the countries battle with these climate changes and different barriers, nuclear power is experiencing a revival. There is a growing understanding of nuclear power’s role in global decarbonization, as new technology is developed, which is fundamentally different from what exists today. Do you have an interest in new energy sources? Are you interested in green transitions? Would you like to have nuclear insights?
Listen to this webinar, where new energy sources and nuclear insights will be discussed and debated. Some of the nuclear insights, that are discussed on this webinar: Are there still issues, prejudices and dangers to be considered?
The maritime approach and nuclear waste burners on assembly line
This webinar has been divided into two different videos. This video are the first video out of two. In this video, you will hear Mads Wagner presenting how the maritime approach can accelerate nuclear power production. Afterwards, Thomas Jan Pedersen will present Nuclear waste burners on assembly line – 100 MW every day from 2030.
After Mads and Thomas had presented, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions. Listen to this webinar and get the opportunity to hear the questions being answered and debated.
The program for webinar ‘New energy sources – nuclear insights and debate’
In this webinar you will hear several different speakers present new energy sources and nuclear insights.
- Welcome
by organizers
- How
the maritime approach can accelerate nclear power production Speaker: Mads
Wagner, Seaborg Technologies
- Nuclear
waste burners on assembly line" 100 MW every day from 2030. Speaker: Thomas
Jam Pedersen Copenhagen Atomics
- Questions: The two previous speakers will be available for questions
- The Class, by ABS with guidelines and
A step in a mass roll-out of nuclear ships from shipbuilders is overcoming the regulatory milestones. Presentation of statements, guidelines and AiP. Speaker: Patrick Ryan, ABS - Presentation
- Chernobyl then, now and in the future – fostering leadership for resilience.
Speaker: Monica Haage, nuclear specialist
- Tags