Quantum Technology for Cybersecurity
Quantum computers will break the security of current cryptosystem used to secure all of today’s communication. Here, I will present solutions to this problem based on quantum technology.
About the talk:
Quantum computers are heavily researched and constant progress is reported. While quantum computers are expected to solve important problems in drug development, finance and logistics, it is also clear that they will break current cryptosystems.
Solutions to this problem are already required now as encrypted data can be harvested and deciphered later when the technology is available. To solve this problem new cryptosystems based on quantum physics are at the horizon providing future proof security. In this talk I will discuss them and outline activities in Denmark towards their deployment.
Tobias Gehring is Associate Professor at DTU and co-founder of Alea Quantum Technolo-gies. Alea Quantum Technologies is a spin-off of DTU providing quantum security for the quantum era.
Tobias Gehring speaks at Technomania on Frame Stage Wednesday the 5th of October at 12:00.