Quantum safe cryptography v/Freja Elbro, DTU
Fra aek@ida.dk
Fra aek@ida.dk
Currently, many large companies and famous universities (IBM, Google, Microsoft, MIT) are working to build large quantum computers. Their technical improvements are so promising, that it seems plausible that large quantum computers will be built in a foreseeable future. Once this happens, it will be possible to break many of the encryption systems in use today. This can lead to questions such as: What encryption systems are still secure? Which encryption systems need to be replaced?
In this talk, you will hear Freja Elbro from DTU describe what systems are still secure and which need to be replaced. She will also explain some of the possible replacements and discuss pros and cons of the different systems. Freja is presenting at Driving IT 2022 and Driving IT is IDA IT's big annual 4-track conference with 40 different speakers, where all the important and future things about IT are addressed in one day.
Freja Elbro presents ‘Quantum
safe cryptography’ at Driving IT 2022
Freja has a Msc in Mathematics and are currently PhD student in code-based
cryptography (one of the types of cryptography believed to be secure against
quantum computers).
Freja is one of the speakers at Driving IT 2022 that has been organized by a committee of IT professionals. At the conference each speaker was divided into different topics. The topics are:
Freja is presenting at driving IT within the topic category ‘AI/Kvante’.