Using AI based decision support for improving outcomes in cancer surgery
Fra Hanne Høy Kejser
Fra Hanne Høy Kejser
Ismail Gögenur, Professor, Head of Surgical Science Center, Køge University Hospital
Despite improvements in the surgical and perioperative care of patients undergoing cancer surgery, there are considerable challenges in in both short and long term outcomes.
In the recent years it has been shown that introducing bundles of care with prehabilitation, closer observation in the in-hospital phase of patients undergoing cancer surgery, may improve outcomes considerably.
These initiatives are resource demanding and it is crucial to identify the right patients for the right treatment at the right time of their surgical trajectory. In this presentation the early clinical results of implementing an AI based decision support in patients undergoing cancer surgery will be described. A special emphasis will be made concerning the importance of developing scalable solutions.
A Professor of Surgery at Copenhagen University heading Center for Surgical
sciences, a translational research unit focusing on individualizing care in
cancer surgery.
This is from the conference "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare".
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