Søg efter kode: "exploring bioscience"

T cells: A living drug against cancer - Özcan Met

Developments within bioscience have boomed in recent years. New methods and techniques are constantly being created which revolutionize our knowledge of health and disease in humans. Are you…

Fra  Lotte Bredahl Helweg Afspilninger

The molecular fingerprint of bladder cancer in blood - Karin Birkenkamp-Demtröder

Developments within bioscience have boomed in recent years. New methods and techniques are constantly being created which revolutionize our knowledge of health and disease in humans. Are you…

Fra  Lotte Bredahl Helweg Afspilninger

Mikrobiomets univers åbner sig - Oluf Borbye

Udviklingen inden for bioscience har boomet de seneste år. Konstant skabes nye metoder og teknikker, som revolutionerer vores viden om sundhed og sygdom hos mennesker. Er du interesseret i at…

Fra  Lotte Bredahl Helweg Afspilninger