Søg efter kode: "moon"
FNs verdensmål i byggeriet ved Christina Schultz Foreningen for Byggeriets Samfundsansvar (FBSA)FNs verdensmål har skabt en fælles ramme og et fælles sprog for de bæredygtige udfordringer, som vi arbejder på at løse inden 2030. Men hvordan kommer vi fra…
Fra sky@ida.dk
LUNARK Lessons learned and future focusThis video is part of the webinar: Space habitats and sustainable architecture. Habitats in space forces architects to think new. We've invited 3 experts from BIG, ESA and SAGA Space to discuss…
Fra Songül Kocbay
Sustainability in SpaceThis video is part of the webinar: Space habitats and sustainable architecture. Habitats in space forces architects to think new. We've invited 3 experts from BIG, ESA and SAGA Space to discuss…
Fra Songül Kocbay
Pathways to Sustainability in Lunar Exploration ArchitecturesThis video is part of the webinar: Space habitats and sustainable architecture. See Professor Markus Landgraf, ESA Senior System Architect presentation: Pathways to Sustainability in Lunar…
Fra Songül Kocbay